- Specialization – to set yourself apart from the competition, you need to find your niche, whether it's in vegan cuisine or specialty cocktails, to name a few; although smaller towns demand you to be a jack of all trades, it is more lucrative to know and stick to what your edge is
- Logistics – the start-up cost of a catering business is low since you can initially outsource and rent supplies like tables, utensils, and linens; moreover, take into consideration how you will transport food and how you will maintain the temperature, especially if the site has no kitchen available
- Marketing – since you have no retail space, marketing and branding are critical in this business; a website, where potential clients can know more about you and your history and perhaps hire you for a gathering, is a vital tool; nevertheless, have a professional web designer create it
These are just some of the things to consider once you start your own catering company. If you are organized, far-sighted, and patient enough, the aroma of your cooking will soon enough reach them, and the cash piles eventually will come in.